How to Wash Your Swimsuits and Keep Them Looking Brand New

Posted by Ryan Cook on

Hurray! It's the best time of the year, swimsuit season! There is nothing better than laying out in the sun while wearing your favorite swimsuit. Whether you are laying by the pool, lounging by the ocean, hanging out on a boat, or just tanning in your backyard, you want to keep your swimsuits looking brand new. Nothing gives you confidence by the pool like a cute swimsuit. Let’s keep yours looking good forever!

Here at Geode Swimwear, we care just about our customers' long-term experience as we care about crafting and designing the perfect swimsuits. We don’t want the washing experience to scare you! Our swimsuits are made with the highest quality materials and can stay pristine for years if you care for them properly. That's why we have created this guide for you. You'll learn how to wash your swimsuits, how often to wash your swimsuits, and how to avoid damage in the first place. 

How Swimsuits Become Damaged

Now, before we jump into how to wash your swimsuits, let’s first understand why swimsuits become damaged in the first place. Think about it, your swimsuits go through a lot. They are continually exposed to large amounts of sun, chlorine, saltwater, and other chemicals and minerals. Unless you properly wash your swimsuit, it is normal for it to fade in color and lose elasticity over time. 

What damages your swimsuit?

  1. Chlorine: We use chlorine in pools to kill harmful bacteria, but unfortunately it also damages your hair, your skin, and your swimsuit. The harsh chemical harms coloring in clothes, weakens elasticity, and breaks down fabrics—especially spandex. Generally darker colored swimsuits fare better against the yellowing that occurs from chlorine. So if you swim frequently, you might consider a darker suit. After swimming, be sure to rinse your swimsuit with cool water to remove the excess chlorine. More on that below. 
  2. Sun exposure: Just as the sun lightens your hair, the sun will also bleach your swimsuit overtime. To avoid damaging your swimsuits, rotate the suits you wear so that your swimsuit isn’t continually exposed to the sun. Avoid leaving your suit sitting in direct sunlight for long periods. 
  3. Saltwater & other minerals: Saltwater and other minerals found in the ocean and hot springs damage your swimsuit similarly to chlorine. Be sure to rinse your swimsuit off after exposure to these strong minerals to protect your swimsuit from damage if you plan on enjoying it long-term. 

How to Wash Women’s Swimwear

To keep your swimwear looking brand new, wash them by hand since machine washers and dryers are usually too harsh. The most important step is rinsing your swimsuit immediately after use. There are almost always showers by the beach or pool. Take advantage of them! Before you go back inside, rinse off your body and your swimsuit there. Your skin and hair will thank you as well. If there are no showers nearby, just rinse your swimsuit off at home or at your hotel. The longer your swimsuit sits with the chemicals and minerals from the water, the more likely they are to fade and lose their elasticity. 

Materials Needed:

  • Sink or bathtub
  • Drying rack
  • Gentle soap or dish soap
  • Cold water

Instructions for Washing a Swimsuit:

  1. If you didn’t already rinse your swimsuit off at the beach or pool, do so now. Rinse it thoroughly with cool water in a sink or bathtub.
  2. Add a dime sized amount of a gentle soap, we recommend using dish soap, to the cold water and your swimsuit. You want to avoid detergents because they often use harsh chemicals or bleaches in their solution.
  3. Allow your swimsuit to soak for a few minutes in the soapy water.
  4. Finally, take your swimsuit out of the water and gently squeeze out the excess water. Do not wring out your swimsuit, it is important to be gentle with your swimsuit. Then, hang your swimsuit on a drying rack or even the shower rod to air dry. If you hang your suit up outside to dry try to keep it out of direct sunlight as this will lead to bleaching. 

All instructions on how to wash your swimsuit are included on the Geode Swimwear labels! Our high-quality materials plus this gentle washing method will keep your swimsuit looking good for every occasion.

Men wearing swim trunks need to be washed

How to Wash Men’s Swimwear

Men’s swimwear does not have the same elasticity as women’s swimwear. Its fabric makeup is well-suited for the washing machine. Be sure to check the label on the swim trucks before throwing them into the washer. If the label suggests washing by hand, follow the instructions of washing a woman’s swimsuit. If the label says “machine-washable,” continue with the following instructions.

Materials Needed:

  • Bleach-free detergent
  • Washing machine
  • Drying rack

Instructions for Washing Swim Trunks:

  1. Throw the swim trucks into the washing machine with a bleach-free detergent solution.
  2. Wash in cold water on a gentle cycle to avoid any damages.
  3. When the wash cycle is complete, take the swimsuit out of the washer and air dry on a drying rack or shower rod.

If you follow these steps, your swimsuit will be looking pristine all throughout the year.

How Often Should You Wash Your Swimsuits?

Unless you are swimming in a freshwater lake, you should rinse and gently wash your swimsuit with the instructions from above after each use. It is important to remove any chemical contaminants from your swimsuit to maintain its brand-new look. If you follow the steps from above, it should only take you a couple of minutes to wash your swimsuit after each use. Your future self will thank you. Get ready to keep your swimsuit forever if you maintain the correct washing method.

With all this talk about swimsuits, there’s only one thing left to do: let’s hit the pool!

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